ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, let me explain riffusion to you in a way you can understand. Have you ever played with a jar filled with marbles and sand? If you shake it, the marbles move around and sink into the sand. That's kind of like what happens with riffusion.

Riffusion is when particles move around and mix together. Just like the marbles moving around in the jar, particles can move around and mix with other particles. But instead of marbles and sand, we're talking about tiny particles that we can't see with our eyes.

Let's say you have a glass of water with some blue food coloring in it. If you add some red food coloring to the same glass, the colors will mix together and become a purple-ish color. That's riffusion! The particles of blue and red food coloring move around and mix together, creating a new color.

Riffusion happens all the time in nature. When you pour cream into your hot chocolate, the cream and chocolate mix together because of riffusion. When you blow bubbles with soap and water, the water molecules mix with the soap molecules to create the bubbles.

So, that's riffusion for you. It's when tiny particles move and mix together to create new things. Pretty cool, huh?