ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Right Livelihood Award

Imagine you do something really good, like sharing your toys or helping a friend who fell down. When someone sees you doing that, they might give you a prize or an award to say that you did a great job.

Now imagine there are grown-ups who work really hard to help people and the planet, like by fighting for rights or taking care of nature. Sometimes, they even risk their own safety to do this work!

The Right Livelihood Award is a prize that those grown-ups can win when they do good things like that. It's like the grown-up version of getting an award for helping your friend or sharing your toys.

But this award is very special because it's given to people who are making the world a better place in ways that most people might not even realize. By honoring these people and their hard work, it helps other people know that there are good and brave people working to make a better world for everyone.