ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rigpa (organization)

Rigpa is like a big club or community where people gather to learn about meditation and Buddhism. Just like how you have a group of friends who like to play together, Rigpa is a group of people who like to learn together. They have teachers who teach them about how to be kind and peaceful in their thoughts and actions.

Think of it like when you learn to ride a bike. At first, you need someone to help you balance and guide you. Over time, you get better and better and can ride on your own. The same concept applies to Rigpa. The teachers help guide you towards becoming a better person, and you can practice on your own as you grow and learn.

The organization is set up to make sure everyone is safe, happy, and learning. They have rules to make sure that people treat each other with kindness and respect, and that no one gets hurt or feels left out. The goal is to create a peaceful and harmonious community where everyone can feel happy and grow together.