ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ripley machine gun

A Ripley machine gun is a very powerful gun that can shoot lots of bullets really quickly. It looks like a big metal tube with a handle and a trigger that you pull to make it shoot.

When you pull the trigger, bullets come out of the top of the gun and go really fast. The bullets are like tiny rocks that can hurt anyone they hit, so it's important to be very careful and only use guns like this if you are a trained adult who knows how to use them safely.

The Ripley machine gun is named after its inventor, Major Charles E. Ripley, who designed it for the United States military. It was mostly used during World War II by soldiers who needed a powerful weapon to help them in battles.

Overall, the Ripley machine gun is a very serious piece of equipment that should only be handled by people who know what they're doing and understand how to use it safely.