ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rishi Panchami

Okay, so imagine you have a special day that you celebrate to say sorry to someone you may have hurt or done wrong to in the past. That's a little bit like what Rishi Panchami is.

In some countries, people celebrate this day to say sorry to the seven great sages, also known as Rishis, from Indian mythology. People believe that these sages were very wise and strict about following rules in their lives. They are also said to have taught important life lessons to people.

On Rishi Panchami, people fast, which means they don't eat any food for the whole day. They also take part in special prayers and ceremonies to say sorry to the Rishis for any sins committed by themselves or their ancestors. These ceremonies involve taking holy baths, wearing clean clothes and offering prayers.

It is believed that by doing this, people can wash away their sins and gain blessings from the Rishis.

So Rishi Panchami is a day of forgiveness, where people say sorry to great sages and seek absolution for their past mistakes.