ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Risk-based inspection

Risk-based Inspection (or RBI) is a way to figure out what needs to be checked and how often it needs to be checked. It helps companies save time and money by only inspecting the parts of a machine that might break or need repairs.

Think of it like this: a machine is made up of lots of different parts. Some parts move a lot, and some don't. Some parts get hot, and some don't. Some parts are old, and some are new. All of these things can affect how often a part needs to be checked for problems.

Risk-based Inspection figures out which parts are more likely to have problems, and it helps companies decide when and how often they should inspect those parts. That way, they can make sure all the parts are working right, without wasting time and money on parts that don't need to be checked.
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