ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ritu (Indian season)

Ritu is a special word in India that means "season." Just like how there are different types of candy, there are different types of seasons too, and ritu helps us describe them.

There are six ritus in India:

1. Vasant Ritu (springtime) - This is when the flowers start to bloom and the weather becomes warm, but not too hot. It's a nice time to go outside and play!

2. Grishma Ritu (summer) - This is when it gets really hot outside, and you might even need a fan or air conditioner to stay cool. It's a good time to drink lots of water and stay in the shade.

3. Varsha Ritu (monsoon/ rainy season) - This is when the rain comes, and everything turns green and beautiful. It's also a time when there can be floods, so it's important to stay safe.

4. Sharad Ritu (autumn) - This is when the weather starts to cool down again, and the leaves on the trees turn beautiful colors before falling off.

5. Hemant Ritu (pre-winter) - This is the time when it starts to get chilly, and you might need a sweater or jacket to stay cozy.

6. Shishir Ritu (winter) - This is when it gets really cold, and you might see snow in some parts of India. It's important to bundle up and stay warm!

Each ritu is special in its own way, and it's fun to experience them all throughout the year.