ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ritual purification

Imagine you've just had a really messy day playing outside. Your hands and face are dirty, and you feel like you need a good scrub to feel clean again. That's kind of what ritual purification is like, but for your spirit, not your body.

In some religions and cultures, people believe that their souls can become dirty or contaminated by certain actions or events. They might believe that if they don't clean their souls, bad things could happen to them, or they might not be able to enter sacred places or participate in religious ceremonies.

So, to cleanse their souls, people perform certain rituals or actions. For example, they might take a ritual bath or immerse themselves in water, symbolically washing away their impurities. They might also burn incense or light candles to purify the air around them. Sometimes people might fast or refrain from certain behaviors or activities as a way of purifying themselves.

The idea is that by performing these rituals, people are getting rid of anything that might be blocking their spiritual connection to the divine or the universe around them. They're like little spiritual showers that help people feel fresh and renewed.