ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

River marathon

A river marathon is like a really long race that people run or paddle in boats that happens in a river. The river is like a really big long path of water that goes all around and it's kinda like a big road but for boats instead of cars.

The marathon is a big race where people try to be the fastest and get to the end of the river first. It's a very fun and challenging race because the river is always moving and there can be lots of different things in it like rapids (where the water gets really fast and wavy), rocks, and even waterfalls.

People who do river marathons have to be very strong and fit because it can take a long time and be really tiring. Sometimes they have to carry the boats over land or rocks to get past certain parts of the river.

They also need to be very careful and know what they're doing because the river can be dangerous if you don't respect it. But if they do it right and get to the end of the race, it's a great feeling of accomplishment and everyone cheers for them.