ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Roast (comedy)

Roast comedy is a funny event where people make jokes and say silly things about someone, usually a celebrity or a famous person. It's like when you make fun of your brother or sister for doing something silly, but in front of a big audience.

People who are really good at being funny and telling jokes are usually the ones who roast the person. They say funny things about the person's appearance, habits, or things they've done in the past. But it's important to remember that roasting is all in good fun and nobody is really trying to hurt anyone's feelings.

The person being roasted also gets to say some things about themselves and make jokes about themselves too. They might even roast the other people who are making fun of them.

Overall, the point of the roast is to have a good time, make people laugh, and celebrate the person being roasted. It's like a big party where everyone gets to laugh and make fun of each other in a nice way.