Okay kiddo, do you remember how we talked about how it's important to always be honest and tell the truth? Well, there was a man named Robert Courtney who didn't do that. He did something very bad called fraud.
You know how when you're sick, the doctor gives you medicine to help you feel better? Well, Robert Courtney was a pharmacist. That means he gave people medicine too. But instead of giving people the right medicine, he gave them the wrong one that wouldn't help them get better.
On top of that, Robert Courtney didn't give people the right amount of medicine either. Sometimes he gave them too much and sometimes he didn't give them enough. And all of that made people very sick and some even died because of it.
Now, you might be wondering why Robert Courtney did this. Well, unfortunately, he did it to make more money for himself. He would give people cheaper medicine but charge them a lot of money for it, which is very dishonest and wrong.
So, in the end, Robert Courtney was caught and had to go to jail for a very long time. It's important to always be honest and tell the truth, even if it means you might not get as much money. Because being honest is the right thing to do.