ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Robert Graves

Robert Graves was a man who lived a loooong time ago. He was born in England over 100 years ago, in 1895. He was famous for being a writer and a poet, which means that he wrote stories and poems that lots of people liked to read and hear.

Some of his most famous books were about Greek gods and goddesses that he thought were really interesting. He believed that these gods and goddesses were real and had special powers to control things like the wind and the seas. He also wrote a really cool book about a soldier who fought in a big war and learned some really important things about life and love.

Robert Graves was so good at writing that lots of people thought he was a genius! A genius is someone who is really, really smart and good at doing something. He won lots of awards for his writing, too.

Even though he lived a long time ago, people still read his books and enjoy them today. So, Robert Graves was a very talented writer and poet who wrote books about Greek gods and goddesses and war that lots of people liked to read.