ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Robinson Treaties

Okay kiddo, so there was a time a long, long time ago when different groups of people lived in what is now called Canada. These groups of people were called Indigenous people or First Nations people. They had their own way of life, culture, and language.

But then some people from another place called Europe came and wanted to take over the land that the Indigenous people were living on. This made the Indigenous people very upset, but they also knew that they needed to work with the Europeans to try and find a way to peacefully share the land.

So they made something called treaties, which are basically like promises between two groups of people. One of these treaties was called the Robinson Treaty, which was made between the Indigenous people called the Anishinaabe (a-ni-shi-naab) and the British government.

In this treaty, the Anishinaabe agreed to share some of their land with the Europeans in return for certain things, such as money, tools, and supplies. The treaty also promised that the Anishinaabe could still hunt and fish on their land, even if the Europeans were living there too.

But unfortunately, sometimes the Europeans did not keep their promises in the treaty. They took more land than they were supposed to, and the Anishinaabe were not always treated fairly. This caused a lot of problems and conflicts between the two groups.

Nowadays, we are trying to learn from these past mistakes and work towards reconciling with Indigenous peoples. We need to remember the promises that were made in the Robinson Treaty and make sure they are kept so that both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous people can live together in harmony.