ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rod (Slavic religion)

A rod is a type of slavic religious practice that focuses on the worship of ancestors and nature. It involves offering gifts and sacrifices to spirits and ancestors in order to seek their favour and protection. This practice is based on the belief that the ancestors and spirits of the natural world can influence the lives of people in various ways, such as providing luck, protection, and wisdom.

In this religion, people often believe that their ancestors live on in a different world after they have passed away, and that they can communicate with them through certain ceremonies and rituals. They may ask their ancestors for guidance or offer gifts as a way of showing respect and honoring their memory.

Additionally, nature plays a crucial role in the rod practice, with many of the spirits being associated with natural elements such as forests, rivers, and mountains. These spirits are believed to have their own personalities and preferences, and must be respected and approached in the correct way in order for their blessings to be received.

Overall, the rod practice is a way for people to stay in touch with their ancestors and connect with the natural world, while also seeking spiritual guidance and protection.