ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Roman Catholic Marian churches

Okay kiddo, so you know how in the Roman Catholic church there are a lot of saints that people pray to and ask for help and guidance, right? Well, there is one special saint named Mary who is very important to a lot of people.

Mary was the mom of Jesus and she is really loved by many people because she was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus. She is also seen as a motherly figure who can help people when they are in trouble or need guidance.

So, some special Roman Catholic churches are dedicated to Mary. These are called Marian churches. They may have special artwork and statues of Mary inside them, and people might light candles or say special prayers when they visit these churches.

Basically, these special churches are a way for people to show their love and devotion to Mary and ask for her help and protection.