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Roman Catholicism in Japan

Roman Catholicism is a kind of religion that is practiced by people all around the world.

In Japan, there are some people who practice Roman Catholicism. This means they believe in God and Jesus Christ, like in other Christian religions like Protestantism or Orthodox Christianity, but they have some different traditions and beliefs.

One important thing to know is that Japan used to have a very different religion called Shinto which is still the main religion of Japan today. Roman Catholicism only came to Japan in the 16th century when Christian missionaries, including some Jesuit priests, came from Europe to try and spread their religion.

At that time in Japan, the ruling class was very interested in learning about different cultures from abroad, and they welcomed these missionaries. As a result, some Japanese people became interested in Roman Catholicism and started practicing it. However, this only lasted for a short time because the Japanese rulers started to feel threatened by the increasing number of Christians and the influence they might have.

So, eventually, Roman Catholicism was banned in Japan, and Christians were forced to practice their religion in secret. This period of time when Christianity was banned is known as the "Hidden Christian" era.

Despite this, some Japanese people continued to practice Catholicism in secret for over 200 years until religious freedom was officially allowed in Japan in the 19th century. Today, there are still some people in Japan who practice Catholicism, although it is still not a very popular religion in the country.

Some of the things that make Roman Catholicism unique from other religions include the use of rosaries, which are chains with beads that are used for prayer, and the belief in the Virgin Mary, who is seen as an important figure in the religion.

Overall, Roman Catholicism is a religion that has been present in Japan for many centuries, and although it has faced many challenges, there are still people today who practice this religion.