ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Roman military decorations and punishments

Okay, so imagine you are part of a club or team. In the Roman army, the soldiers were also part of a team, but it was a lot more serious than just playing games.

When a Roman soldier did something really good, like show bravery in battle, they might get a decoration. This was kind of like a sticker or a badge that they got to wear on their uniform to show that they were really great at their job. The more decorations you had, the more impressive you were as a soldier.

Now, if a Roman soldier did something really bad, like break the rules or not listen to their boss, they would get punished. This was kind of like getting into trouble with your parents or teacher, but instead of a timeout or a lecture, the punishment was a lot tougher. They might have to do extra hard work, like carrying heavy things or digging a big hole. They might also have to stand in front of everyone and be embarrassed or even get whipped.

So, in the Roman army, it was important to be a really good team player and do your best so that you could get decorations and avoid punishments. Just like in life, it's important to be the best you can be and follow the rules!