Roman square capitals are a type of writing that was used by the Ancient Romans a long time ago, kind of like how we use the alphabet to write things today. Square capitals were a special type of writing that was used for important things like inscriptions on buildings, important documents, and fancy artwork.
So, square capitals are special letters that were written in a very specific way. They were made up of big, blocky letters that were all the same size and shape, kind of like how blocks fit together when you're building something.
To make these letters, people would use a sharp tool called a stylus to carve the letters into stone or metal. They would start by making straight lines and angles to make the shape of the letters. Then, they would add curves and other details to make the letters look more fancy.
Square capitals were really important because they helped people communicate and write down important information. They were also very beautiful to look at, which made them perfect for fancy art and sculptures.
Nowadays, we don't use square capitals as much as we used to, but they are still an important part of history and culture. People still study them and admire them for their beauty and significance.