ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Romantic psychology

When two people really like each other and want to be together a lot, we call it "romantic." This kind of relationship can make us feel all kinds of emotions, like happiness, excitement, and sometimes even nervousness!

Psychology is the study of how our brains work and why we feel the things we do. Romantic psychology is all about studying what happens in our brains when we are in a romantic relationship.

Have you ever felt like your heart was beating really fast when you were near someone you liked? That's because when we're around someone we like, our brains release a chemical called dopamine. This chemical makes us feel happy and excited, and it can also make our hearts beat faster!

Another chemical that our brains release during romantic relationships is oxytocin. This chemical is sometimes called the "cuddle hormone" because it makes us feel close to other people. When we hug or hold hands with someone we like, our brains release oxytocin and we feel even closer to them.

Romantic psychology also studies things like how we choose our partners and how our relationships change over time. Sometimes relationships can be really happy and last a long time, but other times they can be really hard and end in a breakup. By studying romantic psychology, scientists hope to learn more about how these relationships work and how we can make them stronger and happier.