ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rongelap Atoll

Rongelap Atoll is a special place in the middle of the ocean where some people used to live. But a long time ago, some big countries decided to do some really bad things there. They tested big bombs and explosions that made a lot of smoke and dust go into the air. This was not good for the people who lived there.

When the people found out what was happening, they tried to leave the atoll to be safe. But some of them got really sick because they breathed in the bad air and drank contaminated water. They had to move to another place to get better.

But even when they were far away from the atoll, they still had health problems. This is why Rongelap Atoll is known as a “nuclear ghetto” or a place where people had to suffer because of experiments that were done without their consent.

Scientists and doctors have continued to study the effects of those bombs and explosions on the people of Rongelap Atoll. Now, people know that testing dangerous things can hurt a lot of innocent people. That is why we have to take care of our planet and each other so we don't hurt anyone or any place.