ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rostam's Seven Labours

Ok, imagine there was a man named Rostam who was really strong and brave. His people respected him a lot because he had done many things that no one else could do. They said he had completed seven labours, which means he had done seven really hard tasks.

The first labour was to kill a bad monster named a Simurgh. This monster was very big and had sharp teeth and claws, and it was very dangerous. Rostam had to fight the Simurgh and use all his strength to defeat it, but he did it!

The second labour was to catch a wild ox that was running around causing trouble. This ox was also really big and strong, and it was very hard to catch. Rostam had to use a lasso to catch it and bring it back to his people.

The third labour was to defeat a powerful king who had many armies and lots of weapons. This king was trying to take over Rostam's land and Rostam had to fight him and his armies. But Rostam was very smart and he tricked the king into surrendering, so he won this task!

The fourth labour was to rescue the legendary king Kay Kavus, who had been kidnapped by an evil ruler named Afrasiyab. This was a really hard task because Kay Kavus was in a fortress and there were many guards protecting him. Rostam had to sneak around and use his fighting skills to rescue him.

The fifth labour was to build a huge castle for his people out of just one rock. This was really hard because the rock was really heavy and he had to carry it all by himself. But Rostam was really strong so he managed to do it!

The sixth labour was to defeat a giant monster named Div-e Sepid. This monster was really big and had many arms and legs, and it was very dangerous. But Rostam was brave and he fought the monster until he defeated it.

The seventh labour was to find a magical water that could make people live forever. This was really hard because the water was hidden in a faraway land and no one knew where it was. But Rostam was determined and he searched and searched until he finally found the water and brought it back to his people.

So these were the seven labours that Rostam completed. It was really hard work, but he did it because he was really brave and strong. And his people loved him even more because he had done so many amazing things!