ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rotating line camera

A rotating line camera is a special kind of camera that can capture really wide images. It works by having a line of sensors instead of one big sensor.

Here's an example: Imagine you're in a room and you want to take a picture of everything around you - the walls, the floor, the ceiling, and everything in between. Normally, you'd have to use a wide angle lens, but that can distort the image and make everything look squished.

With a rotating line camera, you just need to turn the camera around while it's taking a photo. The camera captures a narrow strip of the image one little piece at a time. The strips are then put together to create one big wide image.

It's like if you were drawing a picture and you used a ruler to only draw tiny straight lines side by side. You can make a bigger picture by putting all those little lines together, just like the camera does with its sensor strips.

This kind of camera is useful for things like panoramic shots of landscapes or big buildings. And because it captures the image one small section at a time, it can also be used to create 3D images.