ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Route flapping

Route flapping is when a computer network can't decide how to send information from one place to another. It's like if you were trying to get to the park, but you kept changing your mind about which way to go and kept turning around. This happens when there is a problem with the network that routes information.

Imagine that you have to go to the park, and there are three different ways to get there. You pick the first way and start walking. But then you see a big puddle in the road, so you turn around and pick the second way. But then you get lost and end up back at the starting point, so you try the third way. But then you see a big dog and get scared, so you turn around again and try the first way again.

This is what happens in network route flapping. The network keeps changing its mind about which way to send information, so it sends it one way and then sends it another way, and then goes back to the first way, and so on. This can be really confusing for the computers trying to send and receive information because they don't know which way to expect the information to come from.

Network engineers have to work hard to fix route flapping so that the network can send information the right way every time.
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