ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Royal Nine-Tiered Umbrella

Okay kiddo, do you know what an umbrella is? It's that thing we use to keep us dry when it rains, right? Well, a royal nine-tiered umbrella is a special kind of umbrella that is used by important people in some countries.

It is called "royal" because only members of the royal family are allowed to use it. And it's "nine-tiered" because it has nine different layers, like a cake or a tower. It looks very fancy and colorful, with each layer having a different color or design.

This kind of umbrella is not just for staying dry, but it's also a symbol of power and authority. When an important person such as a king, queen or a senior official carries the royal nine-tiered umbrella, it means that they are very powerful and respected.

Every time the umbrella is used, there is a whole ceremony that goes along with it. People bow down to show their respect and to honor the person carrying the umbrella. It's like a big deal!

So, in short, a royal nine-tiered umbrella is a special, colorful and fancy umbrella that is only used by important people in some countries. It represents power, respect and authority, and is part of a special ceremony when it's used.