ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me tell you about a special piece of clothing called a ruana. It's kind of like a big, cozy blanket that you can wear like a coat!

Picture a rectangle of soft, warm fabric - like wool - that's as tall as you are, from your shoulders down to your ankles. The sides of the rectangle are open, so you can wrap it around your body and let it hang loose.

Sometimes there are even slits in the fabric so you can stick your arms out - like if you were wearing a shirt under your blanket! And sometimes there's a little hood at the top so you can snuggle deeper into your ruana.

Ruana's come in all kinds of colors and patterns, so you can pick one that fits your style. They're really popular in countries like Colombia and Venezuela where it can get chilly at night, but they're also becoming popular all over the world as a cozy, stylish addition to your wardrobe.
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