ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rubble trench foundation

Okay kiddo, have you ever built something with legos or blocks? Yes? Great! So when we build something tall, like a tower or a house, we need to make sure it stays strong and doesn't fall down. One way we do this is by building a strong base, which is called the foundation.

Now, a rubble trench foundation is a special type of foundation that uses big stones and gravel instead of concrete. This makes it cheaper and easier to build.

Imagine we want to build a house on a big flat piece of land. We first decide where to put the house and then dig a big hole in the ground where the house will go. Now, instead of pouring concrete into the hole, we put big rocks at the bottom of the hole.

Then, we fill the hole with small rocks or gravel around the big rocks until we get to the top of the hole. This will become a mound of rocks and gravel that will be the base of our foundation.

But that's not all! We need to make sure that the dirt and water around the foundation doesn't move around and make it weak. To do this, we dig a small trench around the mound and fill it with more small rocks or gravel. This will help keep the foundation strong and stable.

So now we have a strong foundation for our house that will keep it from falling down. And we didn't even need to use any fancy concrete!