ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Runway end identifier lights

Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL) are like special flashlights that help airplanes know where the end of the runway is when they're landing or taking off. They are usually located at the ends of the runway and look like two big flashing lights.

When planes are in the sky, they can use special instruments to help them land on the runway, but when they get close to the ground, it's really helpful to have special lights that show them exactly where the runway ends. REILs make it easier for pilots to see where the runway stops, especially in places where it might be hard to see otherwise, like when it's dark outside or the weather is bad.

So, the next time you see those bright flashing lights at the end of a runway, remember that they're called REILs and they help keep airplanes and people safe!