ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rus' Khaganate

Okay, so a long long time ago, in a land far far away, there was a group of people called the Rus. They lived in a place we now call Eastern Europe and Russia. The Rus were very good at sailing on boats and trading things with other people.

One day, a really strong leader named Oleg came along and united all the Rus tribes together. He decided to call himself the Khagan, which meant boss of all the bosses. So now, everyone had to listen to him.

Under Khagan Oleg's leadership, the Rus people became very powerful and conquered new lands. They even took control of some of the cities in the Byzantine Empire.

The Rus Khaganate lasted for about 100 years and had several different Khagans leading them. They fought with other groups like the Vikings and the Byzantine Empire, but also traded with them too.

Eventually, the Rus Khaganate fell apart and the Rus people started to form their own separate countries. But the legacy of the Khaganate lived on and the Rus people continued to play an important role in European history.