ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ruse of war

Hi there little buddy! I'll explain "ruse of war" for you in a way that's easy to understand.

So, you know how when you play hide-and-seek, you might pretend to hide in one spot but really hide in another? That's kind of like what "ruse of war" means, but on a bigger scale.

When countries are at war, they try to use tricks or deceptions to fool the other side. For example, they might have their soldiers dress up like the enemy, or use fake radio transmissions to make the enemy think they're somewhere else.

The idea is to confuse the enemy and make them do something that's not in their best interest. It's a way of using your brain instead of just using brute force to win a battle or war.

But, it's important to remember that ruse of war is still a trick and it's not always okay to lie or deceive people. In some situations, it might be against the law or morally wrong. So, we have to be careful when using ruse of war and make sure it's for the right reasons.