ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Russell Investments

Okay, so imagine you have a piggy bank where you save your allowance every week. You decide that you want to make your money grow, so you ask your parents to invest it for you. One way they could do this is by putting your money into something called Russell Investments.

Russell Investments is like a big piggy bank where many people put their money in. This big piggy bank is called an investment company, and it's a place where people can put their money in different types of investments, like stocks or bonds.

When you put your money into Russell Investments, it gets mixed around with everyone else's money. A group of smart people who work at Russell Investments, called investment managers, decide where to put all the money to try to make it grow.

These managers look at different companies and try to pick the ones that are doing well, like a fruit stand that is selling a lot of apples. They also look at companies that will do well in the future, like a new toy store that's just opening up.

By doing this, they try to make the people who put their money into Russell Investments more money. This is called making a profit.

So, Russell Investments is like a piggy bank for grown-ups. It's a place where people can put their money in to try to make it grow by having investment managers pick strong companies.