ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Russian filtration camps for Ukrainians

Okay kiddo, so there's this big country called Russia, and Ukraine is another country nearby. Sometimes, countries have problems with each other, and people don't get along.

In this case, Russia didn't like some of the people from Ukraine, so they made something called "filtration camps." Basically, they took these Ukrainian people and put them in a special area with guards and fences all around.

It's like when you play with your toys and you want to separate the ones you like from the ones you don't like. Except in this case, it's not toys and it's not very nice.

The people in these camps had to stay there for a long time without seeing their families or friends. They didn't have much food or water, and they had to work really hard.

It's not fair or nice to treat people like that just because they're from a different country or speak a different language. We should always try to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from.