ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sándor Ferenczi

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Sándor Ferenczi. He was a very smart man who lived a long time ago and he studied how people think and feel. He was especially interested in how people show love and how important it is to feel loved.

Ferenczi believed that when we're babies, we learn about love and affection from our parents or whoever takes care of us. If we don't get enough love, we might feel sad or scared later in life.

Ferenczi also came up with new ideas for how to help people who are upset or have problems. He thought that the way we talk to people and care for them can make a big difference in how they feel.

Some people didn't agree with everything he said, but many other people think his ideas were really important and useful. Even today, we still study what he wrote and use his ideas to help people feel better.