ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

S.A. (corporation)

Imagine a big group of people who want to do business together. They decide to create something called a "corporation."

Think of the corporation like a big toy box. Inside the toy box, everyone puts their money and ideas. They all agree to work together to make and sell things, like toys.

But not everyone can just take things from the toy box whenever they want. The group decides to make some special rules for how the toy box works. These rules are called the "articles of incorporation."

The articles of incorporation say things like:

- Who gets to make decisions for the corporation (like a board of directors)
- How much money everyone will put into the toy box to start with
- How much money everyone will get to take out of the toy box if the corporation makes a profit
- How long the corporation will exist (like, forever or maybe only for a few years)

So if you see "s.a." after a company name, it means that it's a corporation that's been created according to specific rules. It stands for "société anonyme," which is French for "anonymous company."

Basically, a corporation is like a toy box that lots of people put their money and ideas into, and they all follow special rules to work together and make things.