ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

SARS conspiracy theory

Dear little one,

Do you know about SARS? It's a disease that can make people really sick. There are some grown-ups who believe that there's a secret plan behind how SARS happened.

They think that some people made the disease on purpose to harm others. They call this idea the SARS conspiracy theory.

But most experts say that SARS came from animals, like bats or civet cats. The disease can spread to humans when they eat or have contact with these animals.

Scientists say they have proof that this is how SARS started. They've studied the virus and its DNA to learn more about it.

So, while some people believe in the SARS conspiracy theory, it's important to listen to what experts have to say and to learn the facts before making up our minds.

Stay curious and keep asking questions, little one!