ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let's learn about SCN3A.

Our body has these really tiny things called cells, and inside these cells is genetic material called DNA. Think of it like a blueprint - it tells our body how to grow and function properly.

Now, SCN3A is a specific gene that is found on one of our chromosomes (which is like a little package of DNA). This gene gives instructions on how to make a protein called sodium channel Nav1.3.

Sodium channels are like little doors in our cells that let positive ions called sodium inside, which helps our cells send messages or signals to different parts of our body, like our brain or our muscles.

When there's a problem with the SCN3A gene, it can cause a condition called SCN3A-related disorder. This means there's a problem with the sodium channels in the cells of our brain or our nerves, which can cause seizures or developmental delays.

It's really important to study genes like SCN3A, so that doctors and scientists can understand how they work and develop treatments for people with conditions related to this gene.