ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

SMS Wolf (auxiliary cruiser)

Alright kiddo, imagine you're a wolf in the deep, dark forest at night. You're sneaky and sneaky and you can catch prey easily. Well, that's kind of what the SMS Wolf was like during World War I.

The SMS Wolf was a ship that was used by the German navy to sneak around and catch other ships by surprise. It was called an "auxiliary cruiser" because it looked like a regular cargo ship, but it was secretly built with all sorts of weapons and tools to take over other boats.

The SMS Wolf had a special weapon called a "mine layer" that could lay explosive mines in the water. It also had guns that could shoot other ships from far away. But the sneaky part was that the SMS Wolf would turn off its lights at night and sail quietly, so no one knew it was there until it was too late.

The crew of the SMS Wolf were like wolves themselves, they were very good at hiding and sneaking around. They would wear civilian clothes to trick other ships, and even had fake flags they could raise to pretend they were from a different country.

The SMS Wolf was a dangerous ship, but eventually it was caught by the British navy and had to surrender. It was a scary enemy, but thankfully it didn't cause too much damage in the grand scheme of things.