ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

SOM (missile)

Okay so, have you seen those cool rockets that go up in the sky and make a loud noise? Well, a missile is kind of like a rocket but it's designed to go far, far away and hit a specific target.

The som missile is a special type of missile that comes from Russia. It's a pretty big missile that weighs thousands of pounds and can fly thousands of miles. It's really good at hitting targets on the ground like buildings or enemy tanks.

Now, missiles don't just fly straight like a hot air balloon or a bird. They use computers and other fancy gadgets to guide them to their target. The som missile is especially smart and can even change direction in the middle of its flight to make sure it hits its target.

But why do people use missiles? Well, sometimes countries or groups of people don't get along and they want to fight each other. But instead of sending in armies to fight on the ground, they might use missiles to attack each other from far away. It's kind of like throwing a really big rock at someone you don't like from a distance.

Now, it's important to remember that missiles can be very dangerous and can cause a lot of damage. So it's always better to try and talk things out and find peace instead of using weapons like missiles.