ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. It's a method used to help people understand and remember things they read.

First, Survey the material you have to read (like a book chapter). This means looking over the titles and headings, and any diagrams or pictures. You should also read the introduction and conclusion. This will give you a good idea of what the reading is about.

Then, ask yourself Questions about the material. What do you think the main ideas will be? What do you already know about the topic that might help you? Writing down things that you already know and questions you have can be helpful.

When you start to Read, try to focus and keep track of the main ideas. It's OK to go back and read something again if you don't understand it.

After reading, Recite the information. This means to say the main ideas out loud. Writing it down can also help.

Finally, Review what you have read regularly. Test yourself by writing down key ideas and answers to your questions. The more you review, the more you will remember.