ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

SS Richard Montgomery

The SS Richard Montgomery was a big boat that sank in the water a long time ago. It was carrying lots of explosives that were used in wars. These explosives are like big firecrackers that can cause a lot of damage if they explode. The boat sank near a big city, and because of how dangerous the explosives are, people are worried that they might explode and hurt people if they're left in the water for too long.

Now, the boat is still sitting on the bottom of the water and the explosives are still inside it. People have been keeping an eye on it to make sure that the explosives don't explode on their own, but it's still important to make sure that the boat is safe. Because of this, teams of experts regularly check on the boat to make sure that it's stable and that the explosives are still in good condition. They also make sure to keep boats away from the area so that no one accidentally causes an explosion.

Even though the SS Richard Montgomery has been in the water for a long time, it's still important for people to pay attention to it to make sure that everyone stays safe.