ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, during a really bad time in history called World War II, there was a group called the SS (which stands for Schutzstaffel) in Germany that was in charge of doing really mean and bad things to people they did not like.

One part of the SS was called the Totenkopfverbände, which means "Death's Head Units" in German. They were the group that was in charge of running the concentration camps, where people who were considered enemies of the Nazi regime were sent to be imprisoned and sometimes even killed.

The members of the Totenkopfverbände were really mean and did a lot of horrible things to innocent people. They made people work really hard every day, didn't give them enough food or water, and treated them like they were less than human. Many people died from this mistreatment and cruelty.

In the end, the Totenkopfverbände and the SS were defeated by the Allies (countries who were fighting against Germany and their allies) and the concentration camps were shut down. We remember and learn from this time in history so that we can make sure that nothing like it ever happens again.