ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo! Today we're going to talk about something called sacramentals.

So basically, sacramentals are special objects or actions that remind us of God and his love for us. They kind of help us feel closer to God and can make us feel happy and peaceful.

For example, when we go to church, we might dip our fingers in holy water and make the sign of the cross. This is a sacramental because it reminds us of our baptism and helps us remember that we belong to God's family.

Another sacramental is a rosary. A rosary is a special chain with beads on it that we use to pray. We say prayers and think about different parts of Jesus' life. It can help us feel calm and peaceful, and remind us of how much God loves us.

Sacramentals can also be things like crosses, statues, or pictures of Jesus and the saints. When we see these things, we can remember all the good things they did and how much they loved God.

So basically, sacramentals are special things that help us remember God's love for us and make us feel closer to him. They can make us feel happy and peaceful, and help us think about all the good things God has done for us. Cool, huh?