ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Safe (1995 film)

Okay, so there's a movie called "Safe" that came out in 1995. It's about a woman named Carol who starts to feel really sick and itchy, but doctors can't figure out what's wrong with her.

Basically, Carol's body is having a bad reaction to all the chemicals and pollutants in the world around her. She becomes what's called "environmentally ill" and has to retreat to a very isolated and clean space to try and heal.

Throughout the movie, we see how difficult it is for Carol to navigate the world when her own body is fighting against it. She has to avoid things like perfume, car fumes, and even printed materials like newspapers.

In a way, the movie is about how society sometimes makes it hard for people with health problems to get the help they need. Carol's illness is invisible to everyone around her, and some people even think she's making it up.

The movie doesn't have a happy ending, but it does show how important it is to listen to and believe people who are struggling with their health, even if we can't always see what's going on.