ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sahar Gul

Sahar Gul is a girl who was born and grew up in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, she had a very difficult life because of a practice called forced marriage. This means that someone else decided who she should marry, even if she didn't want to. When Sahar was only 14 years old, she was forced to marry a man who was much older than her.

Sahar's husband and his family treated her very badly. They didn't give her enough food to eat, they beat her, and they even locked her in a basement for months at a time. This is called being in "captivity." Captivity is when you are locked up somewhere and can't leave.

Thankfully, some people found out about what was happening to Sahar and helped her escape from her husband's house. She was very hurt and sick because of what had happened to her, but doctors were able to help her get better.

Today, Sahar is working hard to help girls and women who are being forced into marriages or who are mistreated. She is very brave and strong, and she wants all girls and women to have the chance to make their own choices and live a happy life.