ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

So imagine you're playing a game with some friends and you all want to be the boss of a very important toy. One of your friends says they want to be the boss and everyone agrees. But then, another friend wants to be the boss too. They start arguing and they're both saying that they should be the boss. It's like a big disagreement, right?

Well, that's kind of what happened with the country called Western Sahara. A long time ago, a group of people called the Sahrawi people lived there. But then, a few different countries wanted to be in charge of Western Sahara. Some said it should be Morocco. Others said it should be Mauritania. The Sahrawi people also wanted to be the boss of their own country.

Eventually, Morocco took over most of Western Sahara, but the Sahrawi people didn't like that. They wanted to have their own country and be in charge. So, they made a new country called the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

Not every country in the world recognizes the SADR as a real country. Some countries think Morocco should be in charge of Western Sahara. Other countries think the Sahrawi people should be in charge of their own country. It's like when your friends can't agree on who should be the boss of your game.

So, to sum it up, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is a country made by the Sahrawi people who wanted to be the boss of their land called Western Sahara. But not every country in the world agrees on who should be in charge of Western Sahara.