Saint John's Eve is a special celebration that happens every year on the night of June 23rd. It is named after Saint John the Baptist, who was a very important person in the Christian religion.
On Saint John's Eve people come together to have fun and celebrate. They might have a big feast with lots of delicious foods like hot dogs and hamburgers, and they might have cakes and cookies too.
One of the most popular things to do on Saint John's Eve is to build a big bonfire. Everyone gathers around the fire and sings songs, tells stories, and dances. It's a lot of fun!
Sometimes people will also throw flowers or herbs into the fire. This is called "burning the witches". It is meant to symbolize getting rid of evil spirits or bad luck.
Overall, Saint John's Eve is a fun and exciting time for people all over the world. It is a time to come together and celebrate, have fun, and be with friends and family.