ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saint Urho

Saint Urho is a made-up character from Finland that people celebrate on March 16th. The story goes that he was a brave guy who chased away a bunch of giant grasshoppers that were eating all the grapes in Finland. He did this by shouting, "Grasshoppers, grasshoppers, go away!" and they all got scared and left.

People in Finland and Finnish communities around the world celebrate Saint Urho's Day by wearing purple and green, because those were the colors Saint Urho wore when he chased away the grasshoppers. They also eat Finnish food, tell stories about Saint Urho, and generally have a fun time together.

Even though Saint Urho isn't a real saint and the story isn't really true, it's still a fun tradition that brings people together and celebrates Finnish culture.