Saiyuki is a Japanese story book that tells the adventures of four best friends who travel together on a journey. The four friends - Goku, Sha Gojyo, Cho Hakkai, and Genjyo Sanzo - are on a mission to stop some bad guys who are causing trouble in their world.
Goku is a boy who has a long and complicated past, but he is very strong and has special powers that make him incredibly helpful in their adventure. Sha Gojyo is a guy who is really good with his weapons and has a bit of a sassy personality. Cho Hakkai is a calm and strategic thinker who is really good at solving problems. And Genjyo Sanzo is the leader of the group - he's very serious and tough, but also very wise.
As they travel on their adventure, they come across many different characters and obstacles. Sometimes they have to fight bad guys, and other times they just have to figure out how to solve a difficult problem. Saiyuki is a great story for people who like adventure, action, and friendship.