ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sala Thai

Sala Thai is a type of restaurant that serves tasty food from Thailand. Just like how your mom makes different foods in your house, people in Thailand make their own unique dishes too. At Sala Thai, chefs make these types of Thai dishes and serve them to people who visit their restaurant.

Thai food has lots of different flavors and ingredients which can make the dishes taste spicy or sweet or sour. The cooks at Sala Thai use special ingredients to give the dishes their unique taste, for example, they use coconut milk to make some things sweet, lemongrass to make some things spicy, and fish sauce to make some things salty.

When you enter the restaurant, there are tables and chairs where you can sit and enjoy your food while chatting with your friends or family. Once you know what you want to eat, you can order it from the server who will bring your food to your table. So, if you want to taste some delicious food from Thailand, you should try out Sala Thai!