ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sally Miller (American slave)

Sally Miller was a woman who lived a very long time ago in a place called America. Unfortunately, back then, some people believed it was okay to own other people and treat them poorly, and Sally was one of those people who was owned by someone else. This means that she didn't have control over her own life or where she lived or what she did.

Sally was what is called a "slave," which means that her owner thought of her as property, like a chair or a table. This meant that Sally didn't have the same freedoms that other people did, like being able to go where she wanted or do what she wanted. She had to do what her owner told her to do, and if she didn't, she could be punished.

Even though Sally was treated unfairly, she was still a very strong and brave person. She never gave up hope that one day she would be free and live her life how she wanted to. Eventually, many people fought against the idea of owning other people, and slavery was abolished in America. This meant that people like Sally were finally free to live their lives however they wanted.

Today, we remember people like Sally Miller as important figures in American history, and we honor their strength, courage, and resilience in the face of great adversity.