ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Salmon conservation

Salmon are special fish that swim upstream to lay their eggs in the same place they were born. This means that they need clean, healthy water and a safe place to lay their eggs so more baby salmon can grow up.

Sometimes, people can accidentally hurt or harm the salmon by polluting the water or building things like dams that block their path to their birthplace. This can make it hard for the salmon to survive, and if they don't have a safe place to lay their eggs, there won't be any new baby salmon.

To help protect the salmon, people work to conserve them. This means they try to make sure the water is clean and safe for the salmon to live in, remove any obstacles that may block their path upstream, and protect their habitat from harm.

Conservation efforts also involve educating people about the importance of salmon and why it's important to protect them. When people understand how important salmon are to our environment and way of life, they may be more willing to help protect them.

Overall, salmon conservation is all about making sure these special fish have what they need to live healthy lives and continue to swim upstream so they can lay their eggs in the same place they were born.